LFC News

LFC Executive Director Appointed to Landmark Commission to Examine Challenges Facing Family Justice System

Commission created by Chief Judge will seek new and creative ways to improve Family Courts

City Should Stop Taking Social Security Benefits Away from Children

LFC and Legal Aid Society demand the City of New York stop collecting money from children in foster care who are disabled or lost parents.

Meet Our Team: Every Month is Social Work Month at LFC

Every month at Lawyers For Children is Social Work Month! Celebrating 40 years at LFC means celebrating 40 years of every client having a social worker at their side.

Attorneys for Children Providers Release White Paper on Family Court in Crisis

Attorneys Call on Albany to Address Years of Underfunding and Crushing Workloads for Attorneys Serving Children Throughout NYS

Families and Advocates Condemn Governor Hochul’s Veto of the Preserving Family Bonds Act

Read our statement on the Governor's veto, misconceptions about the bill, and how the veto harms children and families.

Youth, Parents, Advocates, Elected Officials Gather in Support of Critical Legislation to Serve Young New Yorkers

Youth, parents, juvenile justice advocates, elected officials, public defender organizations gathered yesterday to advance a broad vision of youth justice and call for passage of two pieces of critical legislation - the #Right2RemainSilent Act (S.1099/A.1963) and the Youth Justice and Opportunities Act (S.3426/A.4238) - which would provide a developmentally appropriate response to young New Yorkers entangled in the criminal legal system.

Appeals Court Allows LFC to Proceed in Shadow Foster Care Lawsuit

A New York State appeals court ruled that Lawyers For Children and its co-plaintiffs, have the right to challenge the State’s dangerous shadow foster care program, “Host Homes"

Family Advocates Hail Passage of the Preserving Family Bonds Act in Both Houses of New York State Legislature; Urge Governor Hochul to Sign Bill into Law

A coalition of families impacted by the foster system and advocates for parents and young people hail the passage of the Preserving Family Bonds Act(A5394 - Joyner / S6720 - Brisport) in the New York State Legislature

Supreme Court Upholds Law Protecting Native Children & Communities

On June 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 7-2 decision in Brackeen v. Haaland upholding the Indian Child Welfare Act, or ICWA. ICWA, which has been federal law for over 40 years, sets requirements for child welfare proceedings involving Native children and outlines procedures that prioritize placement of removed children within their extended family and tribal community.

To Protect New York’s Foster Youth, Child Welfare Workers Need Accountability

Implementing organizational change requires accountability.

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